Your industry, your profession and the role you play are constantly evolving. You need to be in the best position to discover new trends and meet challenges head-on. The Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ 2024 conference brings together actionable insight, new technologies and lasting connections to help you navigate disruption, tackle AI and lead your organization.
#CIOSUMMIT Wien 2025
Willkommen beim größten und einflussreichsten IT-Entscheider-Treffpunkt Österreichs – Dem 18. Confare #CIOSUMMIT Wien
Der Confare #CIOSUMMIT Wien ist und bleibt unangefochten Österreichs Nummer 1 IT-Management Forum. Der Gipfel der IT ist Schnittstelle zwischen Anbieter*innen, Hochschulen, Medien, Politik und IT-Entscheider*innen aus dem DACH-Raum. Melden Sie sich hier an.

celix Solutions Day 2025
22.05.2025 | 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Verantworten Sie IT-Applikationen oder suchen Sie nach einer Lösung für Ihr Service-, Prozess- oder Projektmanagement?
Profitieren Sie von den Erfahrungsberichten österreichischer IT Verantwortlicher und informieren Sie sich über Updates von Atlassian, unsere Lösungspakete und ausgewählten Apps. Tauschen Sie sich mit erfahrenen Experten aus und generieren auch Sie den größtmöglichen Mehrwert aus Jira & Confluence.
Autom8 Powered by Frends in Helsinki
Event Overview:
The Autom8 is the annual gathering for integration-doers and business executives with a futuristic outlook who are committed to ensuring their organization's continued success. This event focuses on modernizing IT infrastructures and deriving tangible business value from advancements in digitalization, integration platforms, and automation.
Join our technical and business interactive roundtables and attend the keynote "Decoding AI: The Latest Insights on AI's Business Impact," presented by Elina Hiltunen. A world-class futurist internationally recognized and listed by Forbes as one of the world's 50 leading female futurists, Elina brings over 20 years of experience to our main stage.
Enjoy the evening with electrifying tunes from our guest artist Pandora, the celebrated Swedish Eurodance star who has sold over 6 million records and received 19 gold and platinum awards.

#CIOSUMMIT Salzburg 2025
Confare #CIOSUMMIT Salzburg am 18. September 2025 mit der Verleihung der Livin IT Trophy für IT-Teams beim festlichen Networking Dinner.
Der Confare #CIOSUMMIT Wien ist und bleibt unangefochten Österreichs Nummer 1 IT-Management Forum. Der Gipfel der IT ist Schnittstelle zwischen Anbieter*innen, Hochschulen, Medien, Politik und IT-Entscheider*innen aus dem DACH-Raum. Melden Sie sich hier an.

Internet 2.0 Conference Dubai
What Is Internet 2.0 Conference?
Welcome to the coolest tech conference in town! Get ready for three incredible days of inspiring talks and informative panels from the leading professionals in the tech industry. With an agenda filled with crucial topics, such as the latest advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, and more, this conference will leave you feeling motivated to tackle business challenges by harnessing the power of tech.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to connect and learn in the cities of Dubai and Las Vegas – join us in 2024 as we bridge the gap between what’s possible today and what could be tomorrow.
Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™
CIOs and IT executives convene on the future of technology and business

ACE Bodensee #22
15.10.2024 | 17:30 – 21:00 Uhr
Liebe Atlassian Community,
wir laden euch herzlich zu unserem nächsten Atlassian Community Event am 15. Oktober 2024 ein!
Armin Würtenberger und Simon Marth, Pfeifer Holding GmbH aus Imst, sprechen über den Einsatz von Jira Asset Management und den Einsatz von Webhooks in verschiedenen Anwendungsfällen.
Gespannt sein dürfen wir auch auf den Erfahrungsbericht von Carolin Waldheuer, KUMAVISION AG aus Markdorf, die über die Projektabwicklung bei KUMAVISION mit Jira und darüber hinaus berichten wird.
Teresa und Andreas werden in ihrem Vortrag zeigen, wie sie die Atlassian Cloud evaluiert und die geplante Migration der Atlassian Systeme der Uhlmann Group vorbereitet haben.
Teresa ist seit kurzem auch als neuer Co-Leader der ACE Bodensee an Bord. Wir freuen uns sehr über die Unterstützung!
Melde dich noch heute an und werde Teil unserer Community. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Viele Grüße und bis bald
Teresa, Andreas & Rainer

08.10.2024 - Confare #CIOSUMMIT Salzburg
Confare #CIOSUMMIT Salzburg am 8.10.2024 mit der Verleihung der Livin IT Trophy für IT-Teams beim festlichen Networking Dinner.
Die lebende IT verändert gerade das Verhalten von Konsumenten, Märkte und wie Unternehmen funktionieren. Sie verbindet Menschen, sorgt für Sicherheit, steigert Effizienz und Effektivität und hilft uns am Ende auch, die Klimaziele besser zu erreichen.
Das Confare #CIOSUMMIT Salzburg ist jenen gewidmet, die in der IT leben. Eine Plattform für CIOs, die IT-Führungsebene der IT und ambitionierte IT-Mitarbeiter*innen.
Wann? 8. Oktober 2024
Wo? Zentrum für Visionen, Puch-Urstein, Salzburg

08.10.2024 - AAUF #10 - Atlassian Automotive User Forum
Hi AAUF Community,
after the impressive event at the BayArena in Leverkusen in November, this time we are back in Munich where the AAUF started a looong time ago.
It's unbelievable, but it's our tenth anniversary! Yay! 🎈🎉🎆
Isn't this a perfect reason to talk about things changing and changing things? Stay curious!
We are amped seeing you there and joining the AAUF#10 celebrations.
Sebastian, Johannes, Stefan, Dan, and Michael
Quick venue check:

Autom8 Powered by Frends in Helsinki
Event Overview:
The Autom8 is the annual gathering for integration-doers and business executives with a futuristic outlook who are committed to ensuring their organization's continued success. This event focuses on modernizing IT infrastructures and deriving tangible business value from advancements in digitalization, integration platforms, and automation.
Join our technical and business interactive roundtables and attend the keynote "Decoding AI: The Latest Insights on AI's Business Impact," presented by Elina Hiltunen. A world-class futurist internationally recognized and listed by Forbes as one of the world's 50 leading female futurists, Elina brings over 20 years of experience to our main stage.
Enjoy the evening with electrifying tunes from our guest artist Pandora, the celebrated Swedish Eurodance star who has sold over 6 million records and received 19 gold and platinum awards.
ACE Munich - Summer Edition
24.07.2024 | 18:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Hi community member!
Mark Wednesday, July 24, in your calendar for our summer in-person event at the TNG Technology Consulting offices in Bogenhausen.
Once again, there is certainly something for everyone! This time we are preparing a short retrospective and walk down memory lane of the founding members of ACE Munich, a presentation on data integration at Canon by industry experts and more. Don't miss the opportunity to network, learn and exchange about innovation and collaboration within the Atlassian ecosystem.
You can also find us here
Take a look at our LinkedIn group or the Munich group in the online Atlassian Community for further exchange with other Atlassian enthusiasts.
See you soon,
Hannes & Max
Link to the Event
celix Solutions Day 2024
16.05.2024 | 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
On 16 May 2024 we cordially invite you to our celix Solutions Day 2024 at the Park Hyatt Vienna.
Take the opportunity to find out about our software solutions based on the Atlassian Toolsuite and Marketplace Apps from selected manufacturers. Exchange ideas with other teams and learn first-hand how other companies optimise the added value from using Jira and Confluence.

C.M.C München 17.04 - 18.04.2024
c.m.c. – der Event für IT-Dienstleister, Cloud Natives, MSPs und CSPs
At c.m.c., we immerse ourselves in the fascinating fusion of AI + cloud. IT service providers, MSPs, CSPs and technology experts explore how AI is changing the role and business of IT service providers.
Sharing Experience
Managed service providers and technology experts will provide a concrete and practical description of what AI strategies and deployment scenarios can look like for service providers and where potential pitfalls lurk.
Sharing ExcellenceOn the evening of the second day of the event, we will honour Germany's Best MSPs 2024 for their outstanding achievements with the Best MSP Award. They were assessed by more than 1,300 IT decision-makers.